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Admixture should be used with attention problems
Views:4471      Date:2011/12/8

      In the test and practice it was found that, despite the mixed concrete admixtures, concrete technology can improve performance, has made significant technical and economic effect. However, the correct and rational use, technical and economic effect of the additives have a major impact. If used improperly, can lead to accidents. Therefore, the use of additives, they should note the following:
(1) the choice of admixtures
     Many varieties of admixtures, with varying results, especially for the different effects of different varieties of cement. In the choice of additives should be based on project needs, site conditions, materials, reference information, determined by experiments.
(2) to determine the dosage of admixture
     Concrete admixtures are suitable dosage, dosage is too small, often less than desired results; doped excessive, will result in waste, can sometimes affect the quality of concrete, quality and even cause accidents. Therefore, the optimal dosage should be determined by experiments.
(3) admixture admixture method
    Admixtures in the concrete mixture mixed with different methods, the effect is different. For example, after a mixed method using water-reducing agent than the first mixed method and mixed method with good results, the dosage of mixed law and only the first half with the mixed method. The first method is the so-called mixed first with water-reducing agent and then mixed with aggregate cement and water with stirring; with mixed method is first dissolved in water to form a water-reducing agent solution and then adding the mixture with stirring; after the mixed method refers to the pouring of concrete mixture place before adding water-reducing agent and mix again for pouring. Therefore, the use of admixtures according to the engineering characteristics of the material conditions and construction conditions determined by experiments.