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High performance concrete
Views:4039      Date:2012/3/2

In 1, the high performance concrete with a certain strength and high impermeability capacity, but not necessarily has the advantages of high strength, low strength, but also in. In 2, the high performance concrete with good workability, concrete should have high fluidity concrete during the molding process, no delamination, no segregation, easily filled model; pumping concrete, self-compacting concrete has good pumpability, self compactness. In 3, the high performance concrete with long service life, for some special parts of the special engineering, structural design is not the strength of concrete, but the durability. To make the concrete structure is safe and reliable to work 50 to 100 years, is the main purpose of the application of high performance concrete. In 4, the high performance concrete with high volume stability, namely concrete hardening in the early should have low heat of hydration, hardening period with smaller shrinkage deformation. To sum up, the high performance concrete is better able to meet the requirements of structure function and construction technology requirements of concrete, can maximize the service life of concrete structures, reduce project cost.