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JJ-5 cement mortar mixer operating rules
Views:4175      Date:2012/4/25

1, the power plug is inserted into the power socket, the red indicator light shows that the power is switched on.
In 2, the sand pot into1350 grams of standard sand, stirring pot has packed in 225grams of water,450 grams of cement.
In 3, the stirring the pot into the bearing hole, clockwise rotating pan to lock, a handle to make the mixing pot moves upward in the stirring work location.
In 4, the three toggle switch dial to" automatic"," stop"," sand position".
In 5, press the start button to complete the program controller for low speed for 30 seconds, and30 seconds ( low speed and automatic sand end) - high speed30 seconds -90 seconds -60 seconds, to stop the rotation speed.
In 6, a handle so that the mixing pan down, counterclockwise rotation stirring the pot to the release position, remove the stirring the pot.
7, each time you use immediately after complete removal of mixing blade and the stirring the pot and residual mortar.