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Standard consistency, setting time meter operation
Views:4935      Date:2012/4/25

1, paste mixing ended, the prepared cement paste has been placed into the glass bottom mold test, using a knife, gently vibrating tamping times, scrape excess paste, smooth and rapidly test mode and the base plate is moved to the Vicat Apparatus, the heart set on the test bar under.
2, test bar to paste surface, tighten the screws, suddenly relax, record bar stop sinking or release bar30s from the bottom of the distance between the test bar. The whole operation should be done within the 1.5min after mixing. In order to test bar into paste and distance from the bottom of 6mm +1mm net cement standard consistency.
At the beginning of3, determination of gel time: will die on the glass plate, the paste into the mould, plug ramming, vibration several specimens in curing box30min conservation. Observe the test needle stop sinking or release the needle30s pointer reading, when the needle down to from the bottom4 +1mm, the initial setting time of cement.
In 4, the first measurement should support rods, which slowly declined, with exemption needle against bending.
The 5, final setting time determination: initial setting time was measured after completion, will die immediately with the slurry to translation methods from the glass plate to remove the turn 180 degrees, diameter big-end upwards, placed in a glass plate, and then into the curing box maintenance. Near the end of each30min determination of once, when the needle into the0.5mm, whereby the annular begin not in the test body impression for the final setting time of cement.
At the beginning of6, arrive, final setting, should repeat the test, two conclusions can be confirmed.