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On surface of concrete cellular phenomena reasons and preventive measures
Views:4046      Date:2012/5/9

Concrete surface of cellular concrete construction of the common quality defects of concrete, main show is crisp, mortar, gravel, crushed between space, forming a honeycomb hole.
Cause on surface of concrete cellular phenomena of many factors, summed up mainly consists of the following reasons. One is the concrete mix proportion is unreasonable, gravel, cement material metering error or adding water to cause much less, mortar rubble. Two is the concrete mixing time is short, no mixing evenly, the workability of concrete is poor, vibrating compaction. Three is not according to the rules of pouring concrete, under the material properly, the gravel concentration, resulting in segregation of concrete. Four is a concrete feeding too much, no segmentation, hierarchical pouring, vibrating untrue or cutting and vibrating with good, not sufficient vibration and material. Five is not good or template template pore blocking insufficient stability, vibration concrete template shift, resulting in serious leakage.
Although the concrete appearance of cellular phenomenon is a frequent quality problems, but in strict accordance with the norms of construction, some prevention measures, or completely avoided. A strict control is in concrete proportioning ratio, often check, ensure material accurate measurement. Two is the concrete mixing uniform, consistent color, its mixing the shortest time compliance requirements. Three is the concrete free fall height of not more than 2m, such as more than a string, to take measures such as cylinder, chute blanking. Four is vibrated concrete layered tamping, pouring layer thickness shall not exceed1.25 times the length of the vibrator part. Tamped concrete mixture at. Insertion type vibrator mobile distance is less than the radius of action1.5 times; the fine aggregate concrete mixture, it is less than the radius of action1 times. Vibrator to template close dry vibrator effective radius 1/ 2. In order to ensure the concrete with good, vibrating rod to insert the lower concrete5 cm. Concrete vibrator, must grasp the vibration time. Normal vibration stop phenomenon can avoid concrete significant sink, no bubble. Five is frequently observed during the concrete pouring, template, found a template move, legislation shall cease in the concrete pouring, finishing well before initial setting.
In the construction of concrete engineering, once appeared on the surface of the cellular phenomena, without affecting the structure stability of the premise, the supervision engineer, also may take the following measures to remedy. Concrete with small honeycomb, first rinse with water, then with 1: 2or 1:2.5 cement mortar mending. If it is a big honeycomb. You should first be loose gravel and protruding particles removed, try to form a flare, the outer mouth to large, then rinse clean with water, then fill in the high level of fine stone concrete, ramming and strengthening maintenance.